30 Reasons I'm Still Single in my 30s

I am truly amazed that someone is reading this blog. Not only that, someone bothered to email and ask me a question. While she asks to remain anonymous she asked me to answer her question here instead of her email.

Her questions: You seem smart, why are you still single? Are you ugly?

Well, miss anonymous. I did write about how I look in thisentry and I stand by what I said. However, it did inspire me to look into the possible reasons I am still single. Here are the possible reasons.

1.       While I was on a date with my boyfriend, I forgot I was with him. I bought movie tickets while he was buying food. I bought one ticket. You can’t make this shit up.
2.       Having too many male friends made me think like them. A guy feels kinda gay when he goes on a date with me.
3.       I have too many gay friends and think and act like them. A guy feels kinda gay when he goes on a date with me.
4.       I almost died when I was a kid. I had such a high fever for more than a week and the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. My gramps made me drink some kind of herbal tea. It made me better. It also killed all the good “flirt” bacteria in my body. 

Click here to read about what I promise to do in my next relationship.

5.       I write about my exes on this blog. I keep them anonymous but I make sure the world knows how much of an asshole they are.
6.       I write about my exes on this blog. I keep myself anonymous but I make sure the world knows how stupid I am.
7.       My exes have launched their own blog and they make sure the world know how much of an asshole I am.
8.       My exes started a blog ahead of me. The world already knows how stupid and how much of an asshole I am long before this blog.
9.       I have instituted a rule that the guy will have to pay for all our dates. The logic is simple and you have to hear this out. If I was not in a date, I will not have to spend, right? I’ll be home, in front of my TV while working. I refuse to take on additional burden so I can flirt with someone who most likely snores when he sleeps.
10.   Flirting. I. Don’t. See. The. Point.
11.   I’m too trusting. I’ve been cheated on right in front of my eyes and I didn’t even know.
12.   I’m too stupid. I’ve been cheated on right in front of my eyes and I didn’t even know.
13.   I don’t like being a part of club who would have me as a member. The rule applies to men, too.
14.   God always makes us wait for the best ones (cue in Somewhere Out There).
15.   When my ex-boyfriend started talking about marriage, the first thing I did is to look for a country where divorce is easy. You can’t make this shit up.  
16.   When I learned that my ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends are either butt ugly or cheating bitches, I seriously questioned why he was into me.
17.   Whey guys learn that my ex-boyfriends were either butt ugly or cheating bastards, they seriously question why I like them.
18.   It never quite made sense to me why my ex-boyfriends were disturbed that I never got jealous.
19.   My social skills are consistent with that of a serial killer.
20.   When I was a kid, I wanted New Kids on The Block to die. I’m still waiting.
21.   My teacher recommended me for anger management because I was too sarcastic.
22.   When my then boyfriend asked me if I want to marry him, I said yes but I thought we should keep it between us first.
23.   My finger ejects ANY KIND of ring.
24.   I think “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, till death do us part” should have fine prints and very clear exceptions.
25.   I think men who are incapable of living on their own when they reach 25 are parasites.
26.   I want a guy who can make me laugh as hard as Russell Peters can.
27.   I refuse to get married on a day when LA Lakers or NY Giants has a game.
28.   The last time I went on a date, the guy  asked for my number and I said, “Why?”
29.   I only date guys who are great in Math because I suck at it. If our children suck anymore than I do, they’d be categorically a sub species of men.
30.   And lastly, I really have no idea why I am still single in my 30s and that’s why I am still single in my 30s. 

Click here to learn how to find a date when you are over 30.


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