"I was testing her"

I've had my share of drama queens and kings in my life. I still have some of them, the ones I can't get rid of either because I love them too much or they just refuse to go even after being kicked out of my life. Click here to read about Relationship Checklist. There is one unforgettable drama king and queen in my past who have had tremendously insane effects in my life but that's another post. This drama king and queen were a couple. I was very close to both of them. As such, I was often the shock absorber. Whenever they fight, they tell me. That's fine. What is not fine is that they expect me to get in between them. It was ludacris. I could hardly fix my own [then] relationship, why the hell would they expect me to fix theirs? The guy had one particular habit, testing the love and fidelity of the girl. Every now and then, he would do stuff that is set to prove or disprove she is being true like texting her from a different number to flirt with her. If she resp...