Reunion With My Old Self
I went back to my alma mater. Since I am moving to another country for a job, I won’t be seeing it for a while. I knew it was going to be a little emotional for me but I didn’t know it was also going to be cathartic. Who Was That Person? I could see myself walking those pavements. I was perpetually in awe of the proud buildings, of those intimidating holy men immortalized through those dreary statues and of those traditions never imposed but always displayed. I remember my routine, the extra-curricular activities I joined and friends I made. I remember where I hanged out, what I promised myself I would become and what I tried hard to achieve. I remember my failures, the people I hated and impressions I made. But I don’t quite remember who I was. It was as though I was reliving someone else’s life, like I was remember someone I knew back when I was in college. I don’t remember who I was then. I wonder if that version of me would recognize who I am today.