How I Earn $500 a Month Online Without Selling Anything

I found a new way to make money online, Admailr, they put text-based ads on your newsletters and other publication. That’s how I pumped my monthly online earnings to $500 a month. Five hundred dollars a month is not much. There are others who do online marketing full time and earn more than $20,000. I’ll get there. I know I will but considering I started only this year, I’d say the $500 monthly is acceptable.

 Unlike others, I am honest about the fact that it’s a lot of work.

Since I quit my 8-5, one of the things I explored is making money online. I’ve tried different ways to make money. In fact, I continue to try different ways. Someday, I want to be able to drop all my clients and just rely on writing and other ways to make money. Now, I make just enough money for grocery and to afford eating out once or twice a week. Nope, not enough to pay other bills or send my sister to school, just enough for my food.

Click here for New Writing Opportunities for 2013.

Article Writing

I submit articles to Infobarrel and Hubpages. Of the two, I earn from Hubpages more. I earn almost $5 per day. In Infobarrel, I earn less than a $1 a day. I don’t know if it is a function of topics. Naturally, I write about different things. My articles on Hubpages get a lot of views with very minimal promotions. I participate in about 5 forums that are consistent with the topic of my article. I paste a link to those forums and let it roll by itself. That seems enough to get enough traffic.

As for Infobarrel, I think I am yet to find the right niche. I will experiment with several new articles in the next week and see if that brings in more income.

Click here to read about my journey to resignation after 15 years in the advertising industry. 

Ads on My Newsletter

I wanted to get into affiliate marketing but I know that will take time so I had to look for an alternative. I have several websites and each has its own newsletter. I have less than 200 subscribers on each site. I make it a point to send quality content. That’s for sure and I didn’t want to start sending crap. That’s also why I don’t want to send offers and product information to my subscribers.

A friend referred me to Admailr. I am one of their product testers. What they do is put ads on your existing publication. I simply sign up to Emercury and their partner, Admailr. I send my newsletters through their system and their system will automatically put text-based ads on my newsletters. I have sent out 1 newsletter for each site and has so far earned $200 for all five. Not too shabby for my first time, right?

 Admailr and Emercury said that they will be able to send more relevant ads to my subscribers next time since their system is designed to determine which ads are clicked by which subscriber. That means higher click through rates and higher revenue for me. I’ll keep you updated next month.


I wrote and published three books. I earn an average of $5 a day. This is not great sales but it is enough. I plan to write more and maybe, this time, I’ll write something better. My first three were old stories I had in mind which I wrote down and completed just for the heck of it.

I know, it doesn’t sound good but my sole purpose of putting it out is to determine whether I can really make money from it. So far, it has gotten me $5 a day. I will not advertise those books here because I am really not proud of them. I will write better ones, ones that I will not mind mentioning here. By the way, all my books are fiction and they are not romantic stories.


I don’t earn a lot on AdSense. For the longest time, I was relying on one site which brings me about $1 a day. It is only recently did I diversify into new topics. Let’s see if it pays off in the next couple of months.


Article Submission = $5.25 a day = $157.25 a month
Admailr = $200 a month
Self-Publication = $5 a day = $150 a month
Adsense = $1 a day = $30 a month
Total: $537.25

Plans for this month: 

  • Write an average of 2 articles, 1,000 words each for Infobarrel and 1 article, 1,250 words each for Hubpages 
  • Start writing a book and finish it in 2 months. That means I will be writing an average of 1,500 words a day for the book 
  • Start studying Affiliate Marketing  
  • Better contents for my newsletter so I can earn more by placing text-based ads on my newsletter via Admailr and Emercury


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